Where does hair loss start?

hair loss in women

In men, hair often begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead. This is typically the first sign of hair loss. The hairline will gradually recede and may eventually result in a completely bald head. In addition to the forehead, hair may begin to thin on the crown of the head. Hair loss can be a gradual process, or it can happen suddenly. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, illness, stress, and medication.

What are the early signs of balding?

Early balding signs can be challenging to detect, as hair loss can happen gradually and may not be immediately noticeable. However, some tell-tale signs may indicate that someone is beginning to lose their hair.

  • Thinning temples:

One of the early signs of balding is thinning temples. This is when the hairline starts to recede from the forehead, and the hair on the temples becomes thinner. This can happen to both men and women, but it’s more common in men. If you notice this, it’s essential to see a doctor to find out the cause and get treatment if necessary. Balding can be caused by many things, including medical conditions, hormone imbalances, and stress.

  • Receding hairline:

One of the most common early signs of balding is a receding hairline. This is when the hairline starts to move back from the forehead gradually. Sometimes, it can happen quite suddenly. Other times, it can take place over the years. In some cases, the hairline will only recede a little bit. In other cases, it can recede quite a bit, leaving only a small band of hair around the back and sides of the head. If your hairline is receding, it’s essential to see a doctor to find out if it’s due to balding or another underlying condition.

  • Thinning on top of the head:

One early sign of balding is thinning on top of the head. This may manifest as a receding hairline or general thinning of the hair. Another early sign of balding is an increase in shedding. This may cause you to see more hair in your brush or pillowcase than usual. If you notice either of these changes, it’s essential to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions and to discuss treatment options.

  • Widening part:

One of the early signs of balding is a widening part. This is when the space between your hairline and the crown of your head starts to get larger. If you notice this happening, you must consult a doctor or dermatologist to find out if there is a medical reason for it. Several treatments can be effective in slowing down or stopping balding, so it’s essential to get started as soon as possible.

  • Thinning across the whole head:

The early signs of balding are usually a thinning of the hair across the entire head. This can be a gradual process that happens over time, or it can happen more quickly. Sometimes, people will notice that their hair is thinner in certain areas or that they are losing more hair than usual when they brush or comb it. If you are concerned that you may be balding, it is essential to talk to a doctor or dermatologist, as they will be able to give you a more specific diagnosis.

  • Hair falls out in clumps:

One of the most common early signs of balding is hair falling out in clumps. This can happen when someone is shampooing their hair, brushing it, or even running their fingers through it. Another early sign of balding is when the hair starts to thin out, especially at the crown or temples. This can cause the scalp to become more visible and give the appearance of a receding hairline. 

  • Losing hair all over your body:

The last early sign is losing hair all over your body. This can be a sign that the hair follicles are not receiving enough nutrients, which can lead to hair loss.

What are the causes of hair loss?

Where does hair loss start

There are many potential causes of hair loss, which are all described in the following:

  • Heredity:

One of the most common is heredity. Heredity can play a role in male and female pattern baldness, the most common type of hair loss. In pattern baldness, the hair follicles gradually shrink over time, eventually leading to hair loss. This process is thought to be influenced by hormones and can run in families.

  • Medical conditions:

There are many potential causes of hair loss, including medical conditions. One common medical condition that can cause hair loss is alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles. Other potential causes of hair loss include hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and certain medications. In some cases, hair loss may be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as lupus or thyroid disease. If you are experiencing hair loss, it is essential to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

  • Hormonal changes:

A variety of factors can cause hair loss, but one of the most common is hormonal changes. When our hormones are unbalanced, it can affect our hair follicles and lead to hair loss. Hormonal changes can be caused by a variety of things, including stress, diet, and certain medical conditions.

  • Medications:

There are many potential causes of hair loss; one of the most common is medications. Medications can cause hair loss by affecting the hair follicles and causing them to miniaturize. This can happen with a wide variety of medications, including those used to treat cancer, high blood pressure, and arthritis. 

  •  Radiation therapy to the head:

There are several potential causes of hair loss, including radiation therapy to the head. Radiation therapy is a standard cancer treatment, and while it can be effective in treating the disease, it can also cause side effects like hair loss. Hair loss may be temporary, but in other cases, it can be permanent.

  • A very stressful event:

There are many potential causes of hair loss, and a very stressful event can be one of them. When we experience a high level of stress, our bodies go into survival mode and stop non-essential functions like hair growth. This is because, in times of stress, our bodies need to direct all our energy towards more vital functions like keeping our hearts beating and lungs breathing. While hair loss due to stress is usually temporary, it can be a very distressing experience.


The best way to prevent hair loss is to start treatment as soon as you notice your hair is thinning. Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for hair loss, but there are treatments that can help improve the appearance of your hair and prevent further hair loss. Hair loss can have many different causes. If you’re concerned about hair loss, talk to your doctor to find out what might be causing it and what you can do about it.

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